Phase 1
Why Meet in a Home?
In future steps, groups will be able to meet on the church campus. Opening our homes, for those who feel comfortable, will provide community, fellowship, and connection as we safely adjust to a new normal. Meeting virtually has been great, but nothing can compare to meeting in person. Meeting in homes will help some Temple attenders adjust physically and emotionally after such a long season of being at home. As you consider meeting in a home, we encourage you to follow all CDC and North Carolina Department of Health recommended guidelines.
Purpose of Meeting?
The home can be a great place for a smaller group to participate in the online worship experience, including fellowship, prayer and discussion. This type of meeting can occur on a Sunday morning or throughout the week using the church website , Facebook Live or YouTube.
Who Should Meet?
Only those who are comfortable meeting in person should do so. Those who are in the vulnerable health categories should give extra consideration before meeting in person. No one experiencing any signs of illness (e.g., fever, coughing, sneezing, loss of smell/taste, etc.) should attend.
Getting Started
Consider the following questions:
Health and Safety
In a group gathering we are encouraging you to follow CDC guidelines and North Carolina Department of Health recommendations. We encourage the host to thoroughly clean the meeting area and any available restrooms. This gathering should limit “touches†as much as possible. For example, avoid hugs, shaking hands, elbow bumps, or other greetings involving touch. Also, the host could prop doors open to avoid touching door handles.
Hosting/Leading a Group
The dynamics of meeting in a home can be different than when meeting on the church campus. You want to promote participation, but if individuals are not interested in sharing or praying out loud, please be respectful of their personal preference. As much as possible, provide seating that adheres to social distancing procedures.
Items to consider as you host:
Recommended Gathering Flow:
Another Option to Consider
An alternative to meeting in a home would be meeting at a home. Groups could choose to meet in a yard, driveway, cul-de-sac, etc. This could provide more space and ease safety concerns. When meeting outside be sure to check the weather forecast and consider how technology could be used outside. Meeting outside could be a great outreach opportunity to your neighbors.
These are just a few of the items you want to consider as you host or lead a smaller gathering in a home. Until we are able to all be together again on campus, think of how you can creatively and safely begin the process of gathering together again in person.
In future steps, groups will be able to meet on the church campus. Opening our homes, for those who feel comfortable, will provide community, fellowship, and connection as we safely adjust to a new normal. Meeting virtually has been great, but nothing can compare to meeting in person. Meeting in homes will help some Temple attenders adjust physically and emotionally after such a long season of being at home. As you consider meeting in a home, we encourage you to follow all CDC and North Carolina Department of Health recommended guidelines.
Purpose of Meeting?
The home can be a great place for a smaller group to participate in the online worship experience, including fellowship, prayer and discussion. This type of meeting can occur on a Sunday morning or throughout the week using the church website , Facebook Live or YouTube.
Who Should Meet?
Only those who are comfortable meeting in person should do so. Those who are in the vulnerable health categories should give extra consideration before meeting in person. No one experiencing any signs of illness (e.g., fever, coughing, sneezing, loss of smell/taste, etc.) should attend.
Getting Started
Consider the following questions:
- Who do you know that might be interested in gathering in person? A great place to start would be those in your Bible study group or neighborhood.
- Would your house or apartment be an appropriate meeting location?
- Who would facilitate the gathering? (The host may or may not also lead).
- How would you set up your meeting area to safely accommodate guests?
- What day and time of the week would be best to connect?
Health and Safety
In a group gathering we are encouraging you to follow CDC guidelines and North Carolina Department of Health recommendations. We encourage the host to thoroughly clean the meeting area and any available restrooms. This gathering should limit “touches†as much as possible. For example, avoid hugs, shaking hands, elbow bumps, or other greetings involving touch. Also, the host could prop doors open to avoid touching door handles.
Hosting/Leading a Group
The dynamics of meeting in a home can be different than when meeting on the church campus. You want to promote participation, but if individuals are not interested in sharing or praying out loud, please be respectful of their personal preference. As much as possible, provide seating that adheres to social distancing procedures.
Items to consider as you host:
- Pre-determine if you will live stream on Facebook or YouTube.
- Have technology set up ahead of time.
- Consider your approach to engaging children during the gathering.
- Gather pens/pencils, crayons/markers (for any children).
- Singing out loud might seem awkward. Embrace it!
- If you have extra Bibles, pull those out for those without one.
- Take a photo of the group gathering and post on social media. Tag the photo with #tbchousechurch.
Recommended Gathering Flow:
- Gather and Welcome
- Brief Opening Prayer
- Share Life Updates
- View Service
- Utilize Discussion Questions
- Pray as a Group
- Discuss logistics for next week’s gathering
Another Option to Consider
An alternative to meeting in a home would be meeting at a home. Groups could choose to meet in a yard, driveway, cul-de-sac, etc. This could provide more space and ease safety concerns. When meeting outside be sure to check the weather forecast and consider how technology could be used outside. Meeting outside could be a great outreach opportunity to your neighbors.
These are just a few of the items you want to consider as you host or lead a smaller gathering in a home. Until we are able to all be together again on campus, think of how you can creatively and safely begin the process of gathering together again in person.